Robot Storm 2 Player sit-down ball-shooting video game with optional redemption ticket payout.
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EMP 890.01 Mini Front Plate for Redemption games...
EMP 890.01 V6 Tot Front Entry/Front Reject for Redemption games...
Large rubber stopper for water gun games.Suitable for these Ace Amusements games:Zombie OutbreakHero..
Ball Tube for Ace amusements Robot Storm..
Front Ball Net for Ace Amusements Robot Storm..
Groove Silicone Wheel for Ace amusements Robot Storm..
Gun Assembly for Ace amusements Robot Storm..
Small 8mm Gun Stopper for Ace amusements Robot Storm / Zombie..
I/O PCB V1.3 for Ace Amusements Robot Storm and Hero of Steel ..
Orange Balls for Ace Amusements Robot Storm..
Gun head for Robot Storm, ball shooter game. Complete with LEDs...
PVC Screen Protector for Ace Amusements Robot Storm..
Rectangular button for Ace Amusement games, including:Robot StormMonster IslandFire Rescue..
24V Shooting Motor for Robot Storm..
Speed Board V1.0 for Robot Storm ..
Robot Storm Stirring Motor 12V 1Player for Robot Storm gear box + motor assy with ,,star'' shap..
DC12V Stirring Motor 2Player for Robot Storm gear box + motor assy with ,,star'' shape shaft av..
Silicone Ring for Ace Amusements Bowling Champ and Robot Storm..
Small Silicone Ring for Ace Amusements Robot Storm ..
Transfer Ball Motor for Ace Amusements Robot Storm..
Gun Handle for Ace Amusements.Suitable for the following games;Robot StormSuperwings-Sky RocketFire ..